Her Eyes
By UrbanQueen
  • ChickLit
  • bankheist
  • chicklit
  • childhomelessness
  • deception
  • drugs
  • identicaltwins
  • illegalchildfightingrings
  • lovetriangle
  • murder
  • psychological
  • statutoryrape
  • streetlit
  • urban
  • visionloss


Texas born twins Cilia and Iris Hunter were brought to Brooklyn, New York and given up for adoption at the age of one. But their foster mother Ms. Pat never cared about them and only adopted the twins for a check from the government, leaving Cilia, the more feisty and braver twin to raise her sister, Iris. At ten the girls meet a boy named Allele Coleman, just as snappish and street savvy as Cilia. The girls soon learn that Allele too also goes through trouble in his own home. So the three quickly decide to run away together where they live on the streets for years with mostly Cilia and Allele protecting Iris, until an incident causes Cilia to get incarcerated, separating her from the only family she ever knew. When she comes out several years later and finds Iris and Allele, it's no surprise that she finds out the weaker of the group, Iris is sick. She's blind. Iris is told the only way her vision can be restored is through surgery. With a newfound attitude from prison, Cilia will stop at nothing to help her sister. Cilia and Allele go on a mission that requires $150,000 dollars in order to restore...her eyes. Cover by: @dragology

1 - "Ditmas Park"

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Her Eyes
by UrbanQueen