•|| Dhriyukti ~ S...
By makhan_chor
  • Historical Fiction
  • arjuna
  • checkitout
  • checkplease
  • devika
  • dharmasakhi
  • dharmasangini
  • draupadi
  • gopika
  • historical
  • historyfiction
  • incarnation
  • india
  • karurava
  • krishna
  • mahabharat
  • narayan
  • new
  • pandava
  • pleasecheck
  • rebirth
  • texttospeech
  • time
  • timetravel
  • yudhishthir
  • yuvika


Satyalakshmi: I don't want this!!! Noo!!! Gopika: You disrespected Jaya sahita. It's your punishment. •••••••••||•||••••••••• Dhriyukti: don't!! Don't burn!!! Yudhishthira: Nah! I should burn you!! •••••••••||•||••••••••• Yudhishthira: Why?! Why I left her.. *cries* Dhriyukti: You never left me. I know you are still with me. •••••••••||•||••••••••• Dhriyukti: I am his Sakhi. No more than that Yudhishthira: she is my sangini no less than that. •••••••••||•||••••••••• Dhriyukti: leave me!! Yudhishthira: I didn't hear. Say again. •••••••••||•||••••••••• Satyalakshmi, Indian-American girl. Loves modern things, modern dresses, modern lifestyle and Krishna, Nothing else. She thinks history is boring and she never wanted to read those books on history. She hates books What happened when she accidentally opens the holy book Mahabharata? What happened after she becomes an object? A lifeless object but cause of her it gets life. Read it to find out •••••••••||•||••••••••• 🥈Second Position in grave of gods awards Special Category: For Best Creativity Cover credits: @Dharmatmika Title credit : @Smirky_me Banner credit: @G_Gracious Aesthetics credit: @History__Lover1234 Not to hurt anyone's feeling #Purefiction #HistoricalFiction


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•|| Dhr...
by makhan_chor