Experience Your Tru...
By Sarvajnapeeta
  • Spiritual
  • bliss
  • enlightenment
  • life
  • mastersword
  • seek
  • spiritual
  • yoga


You can never possess or achieve Enlightenment. It is only Enlightenment that can possess you. It happens to you when you drop all desires. Actually, our true nature is neither pure nor impure. Whether we accept it or not, believe it or not, we are bliss. Our very nature is bliss. Our true nature itself is self-control. When we realize and experience that our being is pure bliss, the other emotions automatically drop. When we allow ourselves to be our true nature, to be bliss, we live spontaneously and respond with intelligence instead of programmed unconscious reactions. Then there is no need to control the senses because they are under the control of the ultimate Existence. There is no question of having to control them. In the Mahābhārat war, Kṛṣṇa drives Arjuna's chariot. The horses represent the senses held beautifully in control by the divine charioteer. He drives the being represented by the warrior, in the body represented by the chariot towards victory, towards bliss. When the individual consciousness surrenders control to the Divine, the Divine controls the body-mind-spirit and steers one towards one's true nature, bliss. - Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam HDH Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam

Bhagavad Gita

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by Sarvajnapeeta