Myrr: Reincarnated...
By MtAlternity
  • Fantasy
  • action
  • adventure
  • comedy
  • fantasy
  • future
  • harem
  • horror
  • love
  • myrr
  • romance
  • texttospeech
  • time
  • undead
  • witch


Most up to date version here: "A cute Half-Wraith magic tutor who hugs my worries away and tells me I'm a genius, a loving auntie who beats the way of the assassin into me while guarding me from demons, and a sperm-less uncle who can't have kids of his own because he gets beaten so bad by said auntie. I...was really messed up in my past life. But with so much help, I think I might be able to smile in this one." On Earth, I was a filthy-rich, depressed loner. I single-handedly bankrupted six casinos using my ability to see the future. My girlfriend was just using me for my money. I was just using her to appear normal. I trusted no one. Until she came. A terribly wounded girl. After I saved her...for some reason, I was reincarnated as a baby in another world. It seems I'm really good at magic here. But seeing into the future is a lot tougher in this life. And even if I can peek a few seconds ahead... I can't help but ask, "Why is everyone so freaking strong? I thought all girls were useless gold-diggers!" But seriously, I think I've been saved by every girl I've met in this world. My auntie hopes that I become a self-replenishing bank account...err powerful mage. She's willing to do anything for me, even pay for my education with her retirement money! Everyone here is so...selfless. It's really challenging just to survive each day. Life is way tougher than on Earth...but for some reason...I think I want to smile? # I wanted to write a happy story. So, I ripped off Mushoku Tensei and made the MC slightly psychopathic. I think it's pretty funny. Sorry but not sorry, because I enjoyed it. -Mt Alternity (Hope the Isekai Police don't arrest me! This is a joke though...) # Pictures licensed under creative commons

Prologue: What If You Just Knew? How I Became A Psychopath

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Myrr: Rei...
by MtAlternity