An Unexpected Love...
By IAmMadeOfLove2616
  • Fanfiction
  • hiccupxreader
  • httyd
  • httydfanfic
  • poc
  • pocreader
  • toothless
  • vikings
  • xreader


This is an HTTYD fanfic for POC readers only. I've seen people talk about how normal "X Reader" Fanfics aren't that inclusive to people of color, I myself have made an X Reader fanfic that has traits specifically relates to people who are white. If you want a story like that go read something else this is specifically for POC readers. Mind you, you can still read this if you are white, but it won't fit your traits. Now then, to my POC readers, I want you to know I am white. I will try and write this story for you, and of course, I will do research and try my best to write this for you. Also, feel free in the comments to correct things if they are wrong and you can help me write this story together. On to the actual story: Berk, the sworn enemy of the Völsung Clan located on the island Heillboer far west from the dragon-riding clan. They were known for dragon napping, taking dragons, and selling them off, and killing them. which the Berkians were displeased by. This is ironic since they used to kill dragons, but it all changed when a young boy befriended the only Nightfury left in existence, since then Berks's ways have changed. With Hiccup and his gang of dragon riders constantly interfering with the Völsung Clans economy, the two Viking clans are on the brink of war, but can they put their differences aside? Can they become an alliance when a threat grows bigger which affects the existence of dragons altogether? (This story takes place in HTTYD 2 and leads into HTTYD 3)

Happily Ever After?

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An Unexpe...
by IAmMadeOfLove2616