Frerard One-shots
By RatsMustDie
  • Short Story
  • boyxboy
  • chemicalromance
  • frankiero
  • frankxgerard
  • frerard
  • gerardway
  • gerardxfrank
  • mcr
  • mychem
  • mychemicalromance
  • oneshots


1) Stacie's Dad Stacy's mom song AU but gay version. 2) Way Ahoy! Frank's life changes when his ship gets raided by pirates. 3) Just Friends Basically a Miraculous AU but different powers and is Frerard. If you never watched Miraculous, it's basically this: they're both superheroes and go to the same school but they don't know cuz their identities are secret. Frank has a crush on Gerard and Gerard has a crush on Aquaboy aka Frank. So they love each other without knowing about it. 4) Serious Chase "It's Gerard!" Frank yelled as he burst in the room, "Bert got Gerard!" Everyone's eyes widened as their mouths dropped open. 5) Assassins in love (2/2) how two assassins fall in love. Basically a Mr. and Mrs. Smith AU. 6)The Wall A dystopic world where Frank is a rebel and Gerard is the one who's supposed to put an end to their rebel group. 7) Ailes Dorées Frank is a creature who only differs from humans with the wings sticking out of his back. Like the other supernatural creatures, his kind is in the hiding from humans, who are out for their blood, killing them for their selfish reasons. Gerard is one of those hunters. Spoiler alert, these two meet one day.

Stacy's Dad

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Frerard O...
by RatsMustDie