To Be A Todd
By SoulBunny666
  • Fanfiction
  • batfamily
  • batman
  • brucewayne
  • damianwayne
  • dickgrayson
  • haileyandhaventodd
  • jacksontodd
  • jasontodd
  • joyfire
  • nightwing
  • outlaws
  • redhood
  • redrobin
  • robin
  • timdrake


Jason's back after seven years away. How's Batdad and the gang going to react to his return? How will they feel about the additions he's brought with him? Find out in To Be A Todd. Warning: OCs, Triggers, some slight OOC behavior among DC Characters. This story was written just for fun and I honestly don't care if you like it or not. I wrote it for myself and my best friend/little brother. I'm only sharing it cause I've noticed a spike in Batfics lately and felt some of you might enjoy the chaos. It has no real plot, no real path, and while I have ideas on what I want to do with it, it's not really anything more than a bunch of fluff and fun. Characters may be OOC due to lack of actual knowledge on their character. I'm a twenty six year old who's only just found out there was more than one robin and have just barely scratched the surface of the DC universe. I repeat, this was just for fun and very little actual DC fact was used in it. Not sorry. Don't like it, don't read it.

Chapter One

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To Be A T...
by SoulBunny666