By LisaABarham
  • General Fiction
  • dystopian
  • dystopian-future
  • dystopiansociety


Welcome to the future. The United States is has been divided and everything has changed. The people are divided, too. Divided between the Les Boîtes, the conformists, and the Les Gris, the ones who do not fit in. Les Boîtes are given happy, tax-free lives during the day while Les Gris are forced to work at night, never to take part in the day, to pay the taxes that make the New Confederacy run. Tannis Elliot knew she was doomed from birth. Still, she grew up striving to be like everyone else yet she could never escape the fact that she was never like everyone else, could never be like everyone else. She knows her punishment will be a death sentence- a slow, agonizing decline into an early death-through circumstances not of her own making. A secret network links her to Isaac Jeppson, another Les Gris, who inspires others that now is their time to break free and cause the New Confederacy to collapse. Will Tannis and her friends break free before they are broken?

The Story of Vic Johns

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by LisaABarham