Boy Wonder
By GraceTheBlackRose
  • Fantasy
  • archiesmith
  • boywonder
  • fantasy
  • harrisburdick
  • magical
  • realm


A hundreds of years ago, there was a prophecy created that said, "evil lurks within the shadows of the great realm of beyond, and will show their face only when the time comes and the leader will fall." It foretold that it would bring darkness upon every inch of beyond, but there could be only one who would have the power to stop it. A boy, twelve years of age, would be found sleeping through war, unfazed by the actions outside of his window. So now, every day, the white order has sent teams of fairies out in search of this boy. Thankfully there is always conflict somewhere so they could look anywhere in the world. It has been three hundred painfully long years since the king has fallen, and beyond has been submerged in darkness, and yet they still haven't found this mysterious boy. The one who has the power to end the war that was tearing the realm apart from the inside.


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Boy Wonder
by GraceTheBlackRose