"Time is a storm in which we are all lost." - William Carlos Williams Status ⋄⊱──────────────⊰⋄ (☕︎) Open () Closed () Other ⋄⊱──────────────⊰⋄ Hello there! Welcome to Minutiae - Graphics and Themes. I make a variety of different aesthetics, so come on in and see if I can help you! All payments are not involved in real currency, and all important texts will be in regular font (for those with vision impairments and dyslexia-type disabilities). I offer both simple and elaborate graphics and themes, done as quickly as possible with ✨feeling✨. On a more serious note, please do not steal my work! It's very important to me that my works be credited and that my reputation remains clean (I don't want any drama, you see. Turns people away, you know,). I appreciate all graphic swaps and I am willing to both give and receive pointers. Happy wondering! Soprano
Welcome to Minutiae!