James Landerly is a coder in his twenties, addicted to an open-world video game that has captured the world with its unreal potential. He is, for a reason he doesn't understand, the most well-known and powerful player among hundreds of millions of players. What he does not know is there exists an alternate dimension that this game was molded after. A nearly perfect replica of a specific moment in time. Each dimension is controlled by higher, Godly beings. In this separate world of wonder and fantasy exists a young heroine, Valda Risberg, a Gladiator-General of the Conglomerate Army of Zantar, locked in battle with a fearsome race of demons led by a cunning and diabolical demon-human hybrid King named Drakkyn Savarius. Their paths are about to be twisted, their fates intertwined. James will soon learn this is not a game, and the consequences for failure may mean the end of Earth - and humanity - as they know it.