Once Upon A Glorybr...
By tsunamilion
  • Fanfiction
  • deathbringer
  • drama
  • fanfiction
  • glory
  • glorybringer
  • love
  • romance
  • tsunamilion
  • wedding
  • wings
  • wingsoffire


Everything was fine, normal even. Glory didn't have to worry about the constant fear that Deathbringer was going to fall in love with someone else. Didn't fear this because she knew that Deathbringer would always love her. But one day, as she was working. Deathbringer revealed some...terrible news. News that he was getting married. Glory didn't know what happened or why it happened. She didn't know if he was on a spell or something. But she did know that she wasn't going to let him get married. Not if it meant that she wouldn't hear his stupid and idiotic jokes. Or his annoying smirk. But will she get him in time? Will she be able to say how she feels? Or will she be dancing alone at Deathbringer and his bride's reception?

Part 1: The Catastrophe

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Once Upon...
by tsunamilion