the tale of a fairy...
By MfonOku
  • Fantasy
  • fairyprincess
  • fantasy
  • pad
  • tangled
  • up
  • whatt


a girl in a small village is in the trail of fairies she is a very unique fairy because her mother was a fairy and her father was human so the step mother of the prince which is the queen many years ago she hated faires because she is a witch and fairies have a pure heart and the princes biological mother was a fairy so he is also unique the king was supposed to marry avani that is the name of his step mother but when once u saw Shira the princes biological mother he changed his mind so avani was angry and out of anger she killed Shira so the prince was born raised by a witch and her words were "I will raise u and no one will know that u are in the trail of fairies" so his name is danil so any time she brings a bride for the prince he will refuse because the biological mother of the prince said "any girl that will marry u will have the same birth Mark as u near your shoulder" so his step mother will always check cause she is scared that a fairy will enter her life again so she found out the prince was in love with Brielle she sent her to the room to talk to her then she noticed the birth Mark near her shoulder and the bracelet on her wrist then she asked her who gave her then she said her mother before she died and the bracelet was glowing so she made a black hole in the middle of the sky and she said "any fairy on this Earth should be sucked into this hole and be wiped out of experience" so she was entertaining the whole and the prince held on to her then the king pushed her into the hole and then Brielle said by my bracelet my mother gave to me I command any one against the fairies be trapped into the forever mirror for eternity"the queen was trapped for ever and she lived happily ever after

how we met part 1

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the tale...
by MfonOku