Well, You Thought W...
By TheSlytherinSnake1
  • Teen Fiction
  • bitchboss
  • drama
  • friends
  • girlpower
  • highschooldrama
  • itsokaytohavefeelings
  • itsokaytohavefeelings
  • parentpromblems
  • ốc


Natalie White is a 16 year old girl who struggles to find her place in life. She finds it hard to express the way she's feeling to others around her. At school, she was always seen as the beautiful, popular, rich girl. But when she gets home she gets verbally and physically abused by her parents. Natalie is under enormous amounts of stress trying to make sure no one knows about what's going on at home. On one particularly terrible morning, Natalie had witnessed her parents horrible death. She felt happy she could now have a sense of freedom, but also sad, because after all, they were her parents. Natalie's school were starting to think that Natalie didn't care about her parent's death at all. But, she did care....her feelings are just conflicted. The entire school seemed like it was starting to turn against her. Natalie had enough, she was going to apply for a new school, and make new friends, and start a new, happier life.

Well, You Thought Wrong

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Well, You...
by TheSlytherinSnake1