Spidertale: Far fro...
By Jaybird_Dragon2021
  • Fanfiction
  • asriel
  • book2
  • chara
  • crossover
  • farfromhome
  • flowey
  • frisk
  • moviebased
  • orginal
  • spiderman
  • undertale


After the fight with the avengers and shield about 5-6 years ago, monsterkind was thought to be living in peace and harmony. And they would've, had Thanos not won the war and wipe out half of any living existence in the know universe. Some of those who were wiped out caused Sans to go missing and never come back to the island of the new underground, even after everyone was brought back but at a cost. Because the loss of Tony Stark has affected Peter's will to fight no matter how difficult it may seem, Fury has to call upon Frisk, Chara and Asriel for help as well. Will the four affect eachother with hidden secrets that had been buried deep below, or will the small chance monsterkind still being able to live on surface be affected as well? Is Sans truly dead and Gaster will help in the end? Find out.... I own none of the characters in this story. I don't own spiderman or any other marvel related characters in this story, that goes to marvel. Undertale goes to Tobyfox. I also don't own most of the plot. This is book two of "Shield meets Undertale"


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by Jaybird_Dragon2021