Mr. Not So Human St...
By owelitious4567
  • Fanfiction
  • bestcrossoverever
  • boyxboy
  • crossover
  • percyjackson
  • percyxstiles
  • scottmccall
  • stilesstilinski
  • teenwolf


Stiles was a teenager in his Sophomore year of High school. But he had a secret that none of his friends new about. He was going to a camp specific for his kind during the summer. He was the most popular boy in the camp. He was expected to get all the girls pining over him. But there was a problem with that. The boy was gay and every one in camp knew it. When a new arrival shows up at camp Stiles gets flustered and can't help falling for the boy. Little does he know the new boy feels the exact same way. What happens when the tow get together? What happens when the new boy makes a surprise visit to Stiles for the school year.

The Return to Camp Half-Blood

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Mr. Not S...
by owelitious4567