Bleeding In The Sea
By loztcauze
  • Romance
  • alone
  • bestfriend
  • court
  • dad
  • exbestfriend
  • kids
  • love
  • mom
  • parent
  • romance
  • singleparent
  • suicide
  • victim


Brandon smiled softly as he understood that I figured out what he was implying. As sweet as his gaze was his eyes lacked the warmth I once found myself desperately needing. He has changed as abruptly as he has left. I realized as I stared at those eyes that it was in my love that kept me close to him then but also my love that tore him apart, and I understood him at that moment. I understood his silent plea for help, his unheard voice screaming out for help as he was abused over and over again. Yet, amid all my pain I blatantly ignored his...No, I refused to acknowledge his. "It should be I ask you for forgiveness Brandon, I lacked trust in you that I should've had. I was overwhelmed and focused on the lie you forced out instead of the truth your eyes struggled to tell. I'm sorry" I stared at him guiltily, as struggled to keep my own emotions at bay." He simply smiled at me and stared off into the dark sky that was seamlessly hidden stars. He turned to look at me with tears and I heard it then clearly. I heard his final plea for mercy, not help but mercy. I watched as his mouth spewed the words I never wanted to hear. The only possible consolidation I believed I was capable of offering him was reassurance. I was okay, Isabella is okay, Paris is okay and together all of us will be happy. Together. Just like that the rest of the night passed away in a blurb of a moment. Only I hadn't known then just how much I will cherish this memory.

Chapter 1

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by loztcauze