{ Erlebnisse } - {...
By Ice_Hunter_
  • Fanfiction
  • dream
  • dreamtale
  • nightmare
  • sans
  • undertale
  • undertaleaus


Erebnisse - the experiences, positive or negative, that we feel most deeply, and through which we truly live; not mere experiences, but Experiences ( This is my Alternate Universe built off of Dreamtale, Dreamtale and its characters belongs to Joku, all characters in this story are part of a different humanized multiverse. ) A long time ago, there was a sapling. This sapling would grow into the most splendid and important tree in the multiverse. Alongside the sapling was a child, as the sapling grew, so did the child. Once the sapling was a big sturdy tree, with apples of 2 colors and feelings, the child was a woman, a guardian of the tree. The tree was a powerful tree, it held all the feelings of the multiverse in its fruit, its apples. The golden apples on one side of the tree held all the positive feelings, and whoever ate it grew extremely happy. These golden apples could cure any illness, even illness that would lead to death. The black apples on the other side of the tree held all the negative feelings, whoever ate it grew extremely depressed and negative. These black apples were rumored to kill you if you ate it, or cause harmful injuries. One day the guardian died from a fatal wound, and 2 new guardians were made... A sickly being and a healthy being, how will this story play out? Will these 2 beings find peace within their turmoil or will it bring their downfall?


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{ Erlebni...
by Ice_Hunter_