By kayanoelani
  • Teen Fiction
  • relate
  • sadness
  • suicidal
  • suicide
  • teen
  • teenagers


The summer before her senior year, a young woman named Martie goes missing. Set in 1970s rural south, Sam Harley does not stand out. He is the epitome of a simple person, completely average in every way. Not much happened in his life, just the same old repetition; school, friends, homework, work, school, friends... Until one day he finally has to admit to himself that he's in love with his best friends' girl. He stumbles over the ways to tell him, every day dreading how he allowed himself to change the precise routine of his life. Maybe things wouldn't have wound up like they did if he hadn't allowed himself to fall so hard for her. Everything changes for him the day he wakes up in the hospital, told by doctors that he'd attempted to take his own life. Amnesia gnaws at his brain and wonders why he'd have tried to do such a thing. Only one reason rang clear- Martie's disappearance. Why would he try to kill himself without having ever found her? For what possible reason would he want to leave this world without avenging her death and finding her killer?

Fresh start

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by kayanoelani