By Shadow_2903
  • Romance
  • drama
  • friendship
  • heartache
  • historical
  • lady
  • lord
  • love
  • mysterious
  • romance
  • strongfemalelead


Cordolium; heartache xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx I watched as a sadistic smirk graced her face. She ran towards me with her finest dagger in hand and aimed it right at my heart. I let out a deep chuckle as I swiftly dodged it. "Milady, I wouldn't dare doubt your skills but the next time try not to be so obvious" I said. "My kind sir,-" her tone, witty and sly "-your presence isn't needed here. I can very much continue my training on my own, thank you." she huffed, not even trying to hide her displeasure. I couldn't help but smirk at her words. l grabbed her wrist as I pulled her towards me. She was startled as her dagger fell on the ground with a loud "clink". 'Talk about deja vu' I thought She looked at me with her wide hazel eyes. Perhaps still in shock. She was amusing, I thought "Milady-" I whispered in her ear "-i need not remind you who is the lord here" "Tsk tsk tsk. Lord, you say? you'll be begging at my feet the moment I turn away" she said as she pushed herself out of my grasp and walked away. "amusing, indeed" I mumbled. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx A historical romance drama embarking on the journey of Aeschylus, the cold hearted lord of England and Hiraeth, the mysterious woman who landed on the borders of his territory.


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by Shadow_2903