To Talk To Yourself
By Augustus-Lucius
  • General Fiction
  • angst
  • artist
  • characterdevelopment
  • diary
  • dramtic
  • dreams
  • earlymodern
  • empathy
  • friendship
  • happiness
  • happyending
  • humor
  • lifechanging
  • lifelessons
  • literacy
  • melancholy
  • mentalhealth
  • mentalproblems
  • philosophical
  • philosophy
  • plottwist
  • sadness
  • simpathy
  • thinkaboutit
  • tragedy


This is a diary, or a journal, of a young man's early life. For no one can understand the meaning of his life but himself and no one can fully comprehend his existence but himself. He understands that his life is just a great miracle. He is the condensation of all the feelings in the world and through his being, he understands the meaning of happiness and sadness, joy and grief, freedom and subjection, and understanding and incomprehension. He is the beginning and the end of his life and in him, the world will be remembered as in the world, he will be remembered also. For truly, Beauty will save the world. "What is the Comfort of Death?" "What?" "It is the satisfaction that you feel when your last twitch of muscle is an eternal smile." "That is good, brother, goodness inescapable."

Publisher's Note

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To Talk T...
by Augustus-Lucius