"Dont you dare insult my husband again!" She cried giving a reassuring nod to Karn. Karn kept looking at his beautiful wife. What was he doing here? He was already married and though his wife never considered him as her husband it does not change the fact that he is married . Everyone in the swayamvar looked surprised . No one knew Angraj Karn had a wife. Draupadi looked even more surprised. For she knew her. She knew her more than anyone and she knew Draupadi more than Draupadi knew herself. Who is she? Is she a princess? Is she a country girl? Well, she is none of that. In fact she is not from this yug. She is from the Kaliyug. She herself doesnt know how she is stuck in this circle of period. No one knows. Except Krishna.Will her existence change the history of dwapar yug? I have no intention of hurting anyone . I have changed a little bit of my favourite epic mahabharata and people comfortable can give it a read. Thanks for all of your support.