An Angel's Pla...
By CShiauJing
  • General Fiction
  • action
  • action-adventure
  • angel
  • angelofdeath
  • fantasy
  • fantasy-romance
  • fantasyadventure
  • fiction
  • findingyourself
  • friendship
  • games
  • generalfiction
  • lgbt
  • lgbtfiction
  • lgbtlove
  • life
  • lovestory
  • mysterious
  • mysteryromance
  • onc2021
  • opennovellacontest2021
  • playlist
  • prompt28
  • supernatural
  • writtenwithpride


"Mortals do not have as much time as we do, which is why they serve as a greater being compare to the angels." Every angel has to undergo multiple trials. Lithius was sent to Earth to undergo his delayed trials. Due to his unwillingness to participate in it, Calista turned it into a horrendous game. She left clues on the one and only scroll that will guide Lithius along his journey. Lithius's soul was sent to Felix's body to experience the turbulences in a mortal world. He then found himself diving into a world of misunderstandings, friendships, heartbreaks and hard work. He began to learn that life is not as easy as he seemed. Living his life in the mundane world, Lithius discovered a hidden folder in Felix's phone containing similar words to the ones marked on his scroll. Lithius began hunting down the meaning of the words to complete this game and it became his ultimate guide to find an exit back to Halion. [[Open Novella Contest 2021]]: Prompt 28 & 31


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An Angel...
by CShiauJing