Sweet Pea and Micha...
By Lady_DJxo
  • Romance
  • accounts
  • bank
  • drunk
  • melodyandmaceo
  • privateisland
  • sweetpeaandmichael
  • swiss
  • yankeeandpunch


Sweet Pea and Michael wants to be in the company of newly found love by Melody Monroe and Maceo Jacksun . Who had to change his real name because Michael Jackson has been using the same alias for years when he embarks on vacations in other countries. Switzerland known for their Swiss Bank Accounts and other phoney accounts to say the least, will be the host for this new found foursome. Coming to take over the geddy place. They have plans to shut down any where they want and Sweet Pea will not tolerate the disrespect from locals. They will bow down with the help of their Swiss Tour Guide one known as "Yankee" but not his girlfriend "Punch" ? Is it because she is 'punch drunk? So who is Mi'Kae'L Josephs? And will he TURN UP !!!!!!!! in Switzerland

Sweet Pea and Michael

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Sweet Pea...
by Lady_DJxo