Mortal End: A Simme...
By ToulaMavridouMesser
  • Mystery / Thriller
  • crime
  • dickenscharles
  • edgarallenpoe
  • fairytale
  • gothic
  • grimm
  • halloween
  • hanselandgretel
  • horror
  • pratchett
  • sleepyhollow
  • thriller
  • true
  • victorian


Hello, Mystery-thriller, 'Mortal End: A Simmering Pit of Jiggery Pokery,' is filled with horror and humour, tantalising suspense and absurd darkness, which will capture your imagination in a way no other murder mystery ever has. Mortal End is true crime + fairytale. Written as a prequel to Grimm's 'Hansel & Gretel,' Mortal End serves to explain who the wicked witch really was and why she wanted to eat children. What readers are saying: "It's a smidge of Dickens, shaken but not stirred with "A League of Gentlemen", sort of starcrossed with a bit of Neil Gaiman, plus a soupcon of Terry Pratchett. And totally and utterly your own!” “Mortal End is the funniest and most disturbing adult fairytale ever written.” "Despite it's subject matter it is light-hearted in it's delivery and the clever way the writer expresses herself is a joy to behold." "Toula's imagination knows no bounds. Her characters are original and fascinating and leap off the page. She is a smart writer with the ability to make a story exciting and mysterious and will take your breath away." Mortal End: A Simmering Pit of Jiggery Pokery is available on Amazon, B&N, Powell's etc. The second book in the series, Mortal End, Too is currently being written with chapters being added regularly to Wattpad to give you a taste of the storyline and will be published Halloween 2015. You can sign up for my newsletter, follow me on Twitter (Princess Toula), or like my Facebook page. For more information, see my Amazon author page Your support is very much appreciated. Thanks for reading! Toula Xx

Mortal End: A Simmering Pit of Jiggery Pokery

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Mortal En...
by ToulaMavridouMesser