Family Wars
By samira6890
  • Fanfiction
  • anime
  • foodwars
  • foodwarsanime
  • foodwarsshokugeki
  • foodwarsshokugekinosoma
  • shokugeki
  • shokugekinosoma
  • yukihira
  • yukihiradiner
  • yukihirasoma


"It's not just about cooking. It's about who you're dedicating it to." - Yukihira Joichiro "If you know where you're headed, it's no fun at all." - Yukihira Soma and Joichiro So, I just finished Food Wars (4th February 2021 to be exact, just in case I upload this later lol) and I'm feeling kinda down. I started watching this on November 2020 and finished it just now, plus this is my first anime ever, it got me into the anime Fandom, now I'm an Otaku :3 So I figured I could make this fanfic since the ending didn't quite satisfy me completely. (I mean it was hilarious how Soma left without a warning and just left a note, but if you watched the anime you probably understand what I'm talking about, Erina x Soma) Further and extremely trigger warning: if you haven't finished the anime or if you haven't watched it and want to watch it, I highly suggest you finish it first and then read this if you end up unsatisfied like me lmao. If you don't care, then I couldn't care less lol just keep reading. If you finished it like me, tell me, how do you cope with the ending? :'( So, in conclusion, this would be a sequel after the ending of season 5, the last season. I won't tell you more, I guess we all know what you're expecting and I want it to be a surprise, enjoy <3 Last thing: the anime clearly isn't mine, but you can watch it on Netflix, Crunchyroll, etc. (not sponsored) all credits for the anime and the characters mentioned here are for the creators.


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Family Wa...
by samira6890