Duskwood Jake x OC
By Makayla15t
  • Mystery / Thriller
  • duskwood
  • jake


This story takes place small in a small town named duskwood, a young collage student from out of town comes to town for a vacation. As she is roaming the town she ends up overhearing a conversation that she wasn't supposed to hear, a girl has gone missing and her boyfriend is a suspect in regarding her disappearance. A few days go past after the collage student had heard that conversation, she ends up running into sharp-tongued hacker who is searching for the missing girl where she later learns the missing girl's name is Hannah baker. The hacker gives her two choices either help him find Hannah or go to jail for interfering with police cases. Will she go to jail or will she help this mysterious hacker find Hannah? Disclaimer I don't own the duskwood characters I only own mine and yes I changed some of their last names because I either don't know how to spell them, or I don't remember them or know them Earned #1 in #jake stories

Part 1 mysteries in the shadows

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by Makayla15t