80 Dentist Jokes (r...
By eduardoesber
  • Humor
  • anesthesia
  • blackhumor
  • clinic
  • clinical
  • dentist
  • dentistry
  • denture
  • irony
  • jokebook
  • joker
  • jokes
  • mouth
  • odontology
  • satire


There is no one better than a dentist to... tell dentist jokes! Among many never-heard-before jokes, the book presents the most traditional jokes told in a different and idyllic style. Distinct from the common books of funny jokes, in which they are simply told one by one, this book outstands in its format, providing the reader a favorable outcome, a tragical ending in a comic and fun way, for every joke, dentist comments with facts from professional experience and satirizing uppermost the answer to the following question: "May it happen?". A true masterpiece of humor, essential for all the ones that someday woke up and, despite all matters, decided to simply laugh and move on. The author, responsible for the most controversial books ever published about dentistry in Brazil, presents us with his unique, refined and witty sense of humor. The peculiar way he uses to broach old stories from the dental field turning them into new ones, driven by a whole new context and offering a closer link to the public, is of great hilarity and enriched by all the following add-ons.

80 Dentist Jokes (revisited and commented)

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80 Dentis...
by eduardoesber