Young and Drunk
By MentalForeigner
  • Non-Fiction
  • addiction
  • alcholism
  • alcoholconsumption
  • chapterone
  • drinking
  • firstdrink
  • illegal
  • journal
  • memory
  • mylife
  • mystory
  • recollection
  • story
  • teenagelife
  • teenager
  • triggerwarning


This piece of writing is rather personal, therefore hard for me to write. It contains fragments of my life where I struggled with alcohol consumption and succumbed to addiction. Sure, it is easy to be judgemental of someone who drinks excessively, but when you look past the image of a drunk, you might find something much more complicated. While some may see addiction as a choice, it definitely is not. Sure, you might choose to have your first drink, you might choose to have a hit of something stronger, but, when you're an addict, stopping is the choice that's thrown away as you lose control over your actions. While I may not be fully recovered from addiction, I decided to write about it. In a way, this piece is simply my self-reflection, a journal of sorts, written with intent to help myself and possibly someone struggling with the same issues. Thank you to anyone who goes through these pages and truly tries to understand where I'm coming from. All names have been changed to ensure privacy of everybody involved.

Where It All Began

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Young and...
by MentalForeigner