Feel the Music
By FandomJunkie22
  • Fanfiction
  • beautiful
  • deaf
  • deafculture
  • music
  • phantomoftheopera
  • signlanguage
  • singing


Phoebe Callahan is an Irish girl who has recently moved to Paris with her younger sister, Sorcha. She then joins the Paris Opera as the new sign language interpreter and suddenly runs into Erik, the infamous Phantom of the Opera. He hears her beautiful singing and immediately desires to improve her voice for perfection. He then shows her his world of music, but its a bit harder with Phoebe than it is with Christine. The "problem" is she's Deaf. Just like her parents and Sorcha is Deaf-Blind. Phoebe is like any other Deaf girl, she is proud of her Deaf identity and always will be. She then opens Erik up to her world and the beauty in the Deaf culture. And Erik gets a new perspective on the world. Author's Note: This story has fairly accurate facts about Deaf Culture and gives the reader a perspective of what it is like to be Deaf and how they think. I have tried to be as accurate as possible and I always welcome new ideas and suggestions. Thank You and enjoy the book

Chapter One

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Feel the...
by FandomJunkie22