Fight Forever Guard...
By BlueberryZavala
  • Adventure
  • akame
  • akamegakill
  • bulat
  • chelsea
  • crossover
  • destiny2
  • ikora
  • leone
  • lordshaxx
  • lubbock
  • malereader
  • mine
  • najenda
  • sheele
  • susanoo
  • zavala


A young boy who lost his parents to the empire, the young boy had arrived to a refugee camp with little supply and yet encountered man named Zavala, and the man took the young boy by his side and lead him to a city which is similar to the empire, but yet it was more peaceful and living. So many families with warm smiles looked upon the young boy and welcomed him. One day that boy will soon become something even greater than just being a civilian but as a Guardian, what challenges await him, and what will he do to protect those who are weaker than him?. What form of power awaits him. What does it mean to be a Guardian? This is my first fanfic so i am expecting some discrimination, and more. and yes i like playing destiny 2. Also im kinda hoping for you readers to give me some ideas for the story and how it should go. Hopefully you can understand :D Disclaimer: I do not own Destiny 2 and Akame Ga Kill.

Character Introduction.

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Fight For...
by BlueberryZavala