Enslaved By The Pos...
By the_virgonian
  • Romance
  • matureaudience
  • maturelanguage
  • mysterious
  • myterythriller
  • romance
  • romancefanfiction
  • romantic-thriller
  • spgstory


Astrid Frabella is the wife of Garth Frabella, a former high skilled Mafia Boss. Being the former boss of some mafia guilds, he has a lot of enemies. That became more severe when he became the lover of the hottest beauty queen university student with a lot of psychopath and obsessed stalkers, in the name of Astrid. When they got married, Astrid and Garth thought that their fights against the vengeful mafias had ended. However, one day, Garth being the CEO of his inherited company, he has to do business dealings abroad without knowing that his beloved wife was abducted by his enemies and enslaved her in a rest house in the middle of nowhere in an island far away from the cities. Upon learning the truth about his wife's loss, Garth returned to being a Mafia boss again and performed a vengeful operation. Will he be able to find his wife? Will Astrid gonna make it till her husband was able to trace her location? PS: I've written this story when I was just a young-curious girl 👧, so expect errors, especially in terms of grammar and inconsistencies in the POVs. I haven't been able to edit or revise it, but I would still ! DISCLAIMER ! 📍 This story is (SPG) contains matured languages and scenes. Read at your own risk ❗ THERE MIGHT BE ERRORS AHEAD ALSO (typos and grammatical errors) BE CONSIDERATE AND FOCUS ON THE STORY ITSELF NOT THE FORMAT! THIS STORY IS PURELY A WORK OF FICTION BASED FROM THE MISCHIEVOUS IMAGINATION OF THE AUTHOR. IF HAPPENED TO BE ASSOCIATED WITH ACTUAL PEOPLE; PLACES; NAMES; JOB; RELATIONSHIP; CONCEPTS & ETCERA; YOU HAVE TO UNDERSTAND THAT IT'S PURELY COINCIDENTAL AND NOT INTENDED. THIS IS FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY. GRACIAS🧡 Citation: (Photo used as cover page background retrieved from https://Pinterest/ Google_images)


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by the_virgonian