My MultiFandom OneS...
By ThereforeIAmFine
  • Fanfiction
  • 4thdoctor
  • brainvomit
  • classicdoctorwho
  • classicwho
  • doctorwho
  • fourthdoctor
  • multifandom
  • oneshots
  • readifyoudare
  • yeet


(I'll be adding fandoms and characters to the tags as I write them. I don't like searching up a tag only to find a book that has nothing to do with it, so I won't put anyone else through that lol) My single brain cell bounces around in my head, randomly spitting out ideas that I feel could be pretty great. I always try to set out to write a full-on fanfiction novel, but I always find that I don't have enough ideas and I don't know where to go next or even where to start. So I decided I'll just write whatever random scenes come to my mind. Hello, welcome to the special hell that I call my one-shot book. It doesn't contain much (or really anything at all) but it is one nonetheless. I have a lot of different fandoms I like so I decided I don't wanna bother making different books for all of them. Have fun, I guess (and sorry for the horrible description, I suck at those)

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My MultiF...
by ThereforeIAmFine