The Dark Crown
By KeefeFoster5
  • Romance
  • adventure
  • castle
  • evil
  • evilking
  • evilprince
  • evilroyalty
  • king
  • love
  • prince
  • princess
  • queen
  • romance
  • royalty
  • thedarkcrown
  • throne
  • village


"They're always watching..... there is no way to escape." In a very poor place called Hillington, where it use to be paradise, eventually broke into pieces when a new heir of Royalty, a dark and evil one, took over the throne. No one can explain who, what, when, where, why or how. It is all unknown for what had happened to the past. Why so secretive......? A Girl named Alexandria and ten other girls are set to compete for a crown they did not ask for, a Dark Crown. Each of the 10 days, they must prove themselves worthy for something they do not wish for, but it is not an option. After all, wouldn't anyone be willing to do anything if it meant saving their own life and others they love? Their people? Their throne? Perhaps their whole country? Alexandria must fix this corrupt country to what once was a peaceful and beautiful one before time runs out. Will she be too late?

Chapter 1

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The Dark...
by KeefeFoster5