Timeless Alloy
By Kalil2112
  • Poetry
  • alloy
  • iambic
  • original
  • pentameter
  • timeless


Even though I am entirely in favor of everyone understanding and interpreting a poem in their own way, I thought I should add a description to this poem specifically, seeing as it might not be quite as obvious as my other ones. In this poem I try to show my appreciation for qualities that seem to have been a bit lost in our interpersonal relations nowadays, such as: honor, trust, courage and so on. We walk around, cellphones in hand, living in a real world as well as a virtual one, where the latter seemingly prevails. I can't help but think of times when people actually met other people in a meaningful way, when your word actually meant something and didn't have to be proven down to the last subatomic particle. Sure, part of my childhood was like that, but I was too young to know what I had, so I took it for granted. Now I miss it. So yeah, that's what I try to say in this brief poem, written in iambic pentameters, where the metaphorical "Alloy" mentioned is simply a combination of everything I enumerated. I hope you enjoy it!

Timeless Alloy

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by Kalil2112