The Wolf and His Mo...
By LenaHamilton9
  • Fanfiction
  • allisonargent
  • banshee
  • bxb
  • derekhale
  • fanfiction
  • gay
  • hunters
  • lydiamartin
  • sarcasm
  • scottmccall
  • sterek
  • stilesstilinski
  • stilesxderek
  • teenwolf
  • twins
  • werewolves


----FORMERLY SIX STILINSKI---- We all know about the unbreakable friendship of Scott McCall and Stiles Stilinski. And, well, let's be honest, we all kind of wanted Derek and Stiles to get together, but we didn't want to ruin Stydia. So, let's fix that. Stiles now has an identical twin brother named Six. Six is, not so coincidentally, 6 minutes younger than Stiles. He's just as hyperactive and ADD driven, but at the same time, he's calmer. Smarter. A (slightly) better athlete. Six is content with just staying inside every night with a good book or a video game. Anything to keep him occupied. He's got crap-tastic eyesight and an unhealthy obsession with beanies. Oh, and he's gay. He's got a habit of making straight guys question their sexualities with just a smile, and Derek Hale is no exception. Or is he? Title created by @Tonelia_Scott


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The Wolf...
by LenaHamilton9