The Bad Boy Is My N...
By born2eatpizza
  • Fanfiction
  • america
  • fanficton
  • niall
  • niallhoran
  • onedirection


Emma Bennet is just like any other normal 17 year old living in America. She has average grades, she's not a girly girl but she's not a tom boy neither, she is socially awkward but once you get to know her she is just like everyone else laughing and joking around. She lives with her mum Sue, dad Tony and Her brother Ryan who is 19, whilst her other brother Matt who is 21 shares a apartment by the beach with his friend Charlie. Her next door neighbour is Niall Horan who is known as the bad boy at their school. So what happens when her parents go out of town for the night and she is forced to stay in Niall's for the night because she has been locked out? Will they become friends and eventually develop feelings for each other? Or does Niall's past get in the way and mess everything up?

Chapter 1

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The Bad B...
by born2eatpizza