Some of this book contents are stories from a Holy Book and this book is and Old testament (Genesis). And to readers: In this Book I will add some dialouge in other parts to make it more realistic in what is happening to the story and to make it more realistic and touching (I hope so...) and all of the dialogue parts that are not found in the book are all mine and of my creative imagination. And Some of the Chapters of the Book I wont change they will be as they are if I feel I can add some dialogue into it, I will add some but if not I wont add anything they will be as what is written in the Book Hope all of you would like this one 😀😘 Langguage: English - Filipino But mostly English just a little bit of Filipino that I cant explain in english hehehe Note: I wrote this one because for everyone to remember God and so His name and miracles shall never be forgotten. Yesterday, today, tommorow and forever, from the first of our generation to the next of our generations. This story is about a God who loves His people very much from the very first time He think about them until, He created them and the live in the world that He love them. Even though they are so stu tobborn and sometimes rejected Him. He still love them and forgive them, even now He is still waiting for His people to turn to Him. "Did you eat the fruit that I told you not to eat?" God asked to the first man He created The man answered, "The woman you put here with me gave me the fruit, and I ate it" pointing at the woman beside him The Lord God looked at the woman and asked her, "Why did you do this?" Disappointed in what happened she replied, "The snake tricked me into eating it." scared and nervous of what she had done