we can be heroes (n...
By Dxddy_Taraji
  • Romance
  • facemaker
  • fastforward
  • guppy
  • missy
  • noodles
  • power
  • rewind
  • wecanbeheroes
  • wheels
  • wildcard


power is 15 years-old and is the sister of rewind and fast forward and is 1 year older then rewind and fast-forward and she has the power to control water,ice,fire, read people minds,and the power of leadership and one power she does not discover until some things happened noodle 15 year-old and is the son of invisa-girl and has the power to stretch like a noodle all the heroics get captured by aliens and power becomes the lead of the team to stop the takeover but in the they saved There parents and someone started a relationship,and they only hat 4 days to stop it. And Missy is trying to take power spot in noodles heart ⚠️ I don't own any of these characters I only own power

part1 the start of a new life

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we can be...
by Dxddy_Taraji