Insecure Misfits (I...
By KyokaJiroChan
  • Fanfiction
  • assholekaminari
  • bakuhoe
  • bullying
  • comfort
  • dekujiro
  • dekukyo
  • fightingspirit
  • fluff
  • hurt
  • hurt-comfort
  • insecurities
  • izujiro
  • izujirou
  • izukudoesnthaveofa
  • izukuhasaquirk
  • izukumidorya
  • izukyo
  • kyokajiro
  • kyoukajirou
  • misfit
  • opdeku
  • opizuku
  • sadness
  • selfharm


Izuku Midoriya was a boy with bushy green hair of 16 years said to be quirkless. He had been bullied his whole life by Denki and Katsuki Bakugo starting from the age of four due to this fact. A quirk is a way to describe someone with an uncanny superhuman power which manifest starting at the age of four. Despite being bullied and discouraged to become a hero quirkless, Izuku still dreams on and enters the entrance Exams for the best hero school in japan. U.A high. Kyoka Jiro was a purple haired girl of also 16 years who had a quirk called Earphone jacks. Her earlobes are the jacks of earphones that can stretch out to 3 meters. She can also regulate her heartbeat to release sound waves and vibrations. On top of this she has superhuman hearing due to this quirk. She is a girl of music who enjoys it and somewhat makes it, though she has never done it publicly nor she hasn't showed anyone but her parents her music and singing. Despite having a seemingly good life, she hates herself. She hates her body. She thinks she wont find love because her body type is not what guys her age are looking for. Her quirk made it worse, she was bullied at a younger age not as long as Izuku, but still led her to another reason to hate herself. But, even with this insecurity, she wants to become a hero. So, she also enters the Entrance exam for the number one school in japan. U.A high. What would happen when Izuku and Kyoka cross paths and Izuku manifest a quirk he didn't know he had trying to protect the violet haired girl? Do they share their troubled past and self hatred to one another? (I do not own MHA or OPM. If you dont like Izujiro then do not read. #Izujiro for life)

One's Spirit is a Blessing

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by KyokaJiroChan