Shadows of the Hear...
By Bre2k9
  • Fanfiction
  • akashixoc
  • comfort
  • fanfiction
  • hurt
  • kiyoshiteppei
  • kurokonobasket


"I hate him, and yet I can't stop fighting for the one I remember." Kiyoshi Misaki left Tokyo with her mother during her second year of Junior High, leaving behind everything she knew, including her brother and best friend. However, fate has a tricky way of working. While her brother goes to Seirin High School, getting accepted into Rakuzan sends her on an entirely different path. Once there, she meets an old friend, but something has changed. The light she once knew has been completely swallowed, leaving behind someone she no longer knows. Akashi Seijuro has become someone completely different. Yet no matter how much she hates the monster he has become, glimpses of her childhood friend keeps a light of hope alive in her. Can she face the challenges of her new life at the same time as attempting to save her friend? Or is he gone to the shadows fighting to devour everything near, including her? Warning - may contain spoilers if not caught up in manga.

Goodbyes Are Never Easy

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Shadows o...
by Bre2k9