Company Of Angels |...
By pezzbosch
  • Fanfiction
  • adampark
  • aishacampbell
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  • powerrangers
  • powerrangerszeo
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  • zeo
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Living in Angel Grove for months has not been easy for Danielle. While everything continuing to fall apart around her, she struggles to find a balance between giving up and pushing on. With her own trauma standing in the way of her recovery, her friends work hard to make sure that she doesn't give up on herself. Despite the constant voices in her head telling her that everything is her fault, Danielle must learn that she needs to trust herself and those around her in order to heal from her own traumas. Now that Rita Repula, Lord Zedd, and their evil group of monsters have fled the galaxy a new empire of monsters moves in and threatens the city of Angel Grove once again. King Mondo, Queen Machina, and Prince Sprocket intend to wreak havoc on the city. A new team of Power Rangers, known as the Zeo Rangers, is now formed and vow to protect their city. The Rangers will stop at nothing to make sure evil does not reign their streets.


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Company O...
by pezzbosch