In This Time Around...
By avalondra
  • Romance
  • business
  • butler
  • heirs
  • rebirth
  • romance


Elizabeth had never known love. She was never raised with love. Carrying the weight of her family's name, she was educated to be someone's bride. A 'somebody' that would be married off for the sake of her family's wealth. Like a puppet, she lived like what she had been told to do. It was until he came. However, he died before their love story started. ***** Elizabeth ran away from her unwanted marriage. That day, Aiden, her aide, died while protecting her. The man who she hadn't known she actually loved died in her arms. In her last breath, she uttered, "If I can turn back time...I will never be weak again...and I will boldly love you..." Full of regrets, she closed her eyes wanting to be united with the man in the underworld. However, when she opened her eyes she found herself in her sixteen-year-old body. Realizing she had a second chance, the indifferent and naive young miss of the Chu family was reborn as a strong, vengeful, and woman who was solely in love with her butler. In this lifetime, she will make sure their love story starts and have a happy ending. Of course, seducing Aiden again. "In this time around, I will love you."

Author's Note

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In This T...
by avalondra