Diary of a Muslim g...
By awkward_muslimgirl
  • Teen Fiction
  • depression
  • girl
  • islam
  • love
  • muslim
  • teen


Hello there to the amazing little you who has stumbled upon this book. Naturally, the cover and title is the first thing that attracts a reader to a book, and hopefully I have done a good job on that. But I can telepathically know that you wonder what this book is about. Diary of a Muslim Girl features a teenage girl living a life full of twists and turns, where one moment she is smiling widely with her eyes crinkled, and the next moment she is crouching in the corner with her head down, crying her heart out. This story is of a girl with a hidden personality and a masked face, battling a painful and lonely inner war. This girl just wants to live a happy life..but fate doesn't want her to. [The title is temporary. It is subject to change according to the authors ever-changing mind]

Chapter 1

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Diary of...
by awkward_muslimgirl