Skyrim harem x male...
By ChingWungWeeb
  • Adventure
  • bandit
  • blades
  • darkelf
  • dovah
  • dragon
  • dragonborn
  • elf
  • harem
  • humantrafficking
  • magic
  • malereader
  • orc
  • overpowered
  • romance
  • skyrim
  • swords
  • tamriel
  • vampire
  • violence
  • whiterun


Y/N comes from the land of Cyrodiil where his father, who just so happens to be his only living relative becomes dangerously ill when attempting to read an elder scroll. In his final words he tells Y/N that he must go to Skyrim in search of a group that go by the name of the Greybeards. Unaware as to why, but willing to do so for his father's wishes. Y/N was more than prepared for his voyage to this distant land as he had trained under arch-mages and the blades themselves and is now experienced in both physical combat and magic. His first experience coming into this seemingly new world gets him put on the back of a wagon in binds waiting for his head to get cut off. However, after he escapes his inevitable demise he comes across a young elf in need of saving. I do not own Skyrim or anything including characters or mods that may be referenced. I will also use very little actual quotes from the game and they will be replaced with similar dialogue. Any quotes taken from the game itself will be displayed with quotation marks. Most artwork will be made with waifu labs.

Prologue & The Ambush

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Skyrim ha...
by ChingWungWeeb