No More Olympus
By RobertGalt
  • Adventure
  • action
  • adventure
  • brother
  • epic
  • family
  • familyproblems
  • fantasy
  • goddess
  • gods
  • greek
  • magic
  • myth
  • mythology
  • olympus
  • romance
  • siblings
  • sister
  • war


There are gods among us. Over 2000 years ago, Olympus was overthrown by the mortals who worshipped them, spreading them to the four corners of the earth where no one could ever find them, not even each other. Now in the modern-day, Athena, the first daughter of Zeus and the Goddess of War and Wisdom, lives hidden as an ordinary mortal woman who has a family of her own in rural Alabama. But when threats from her past threaten her new life, she must trudge back into the world she left behind, being forced to relive old conflicts, old regrets and old trauma. But no matter how long ago and how much one resists, the past has a way of forcing itself into the present and staining the future.

Part 1: The Fall of Olympus

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No More O...
by RobertGalt