I am Leal
By Craia0504
  • Fanfiction
  • 212th
  • 501th
  • ahsoka
  • ahsokatano
  • anakin
  • clone
  • clonetroopers
  • cody
  • commander
  • female
  • obiwan
  • obiwankenobi
  • skywalkerr
  • starwars
  • starwarstheclonewars
  • theclonewars


Same heart, same blood ... That is what defines all Clones, that is what SHOULD define all Clones, but not CT-W-0101, CT-W-0102, CT-W-0103 and CT-W-0104. Born under the watchful eyes of the Kaminoans, destined to die as children just because they were female. Misfits but nonetheless ready to take their place in a world where they are desperately trying to survive. This is the story of Leal, the oldest of them holding the group together when everything and everybody wants them to be apart. She needs to accept the uncertainty of the future and that she can't protect everybody. Learning to let go and finding love in a world where it almost seems to be impossible is a task she needs to conquer. --- ~I fight to be seen! I fight to be acknowledged! I fight to survive! I'm coming for everything they told me I couldn't have, so watch out, because I might already am ahead of you!~ -- First book of the 'I am-' series.


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I am Leal
by Craia0504