The Red Wolf
By Ladyice_J
  • Werewolf


Valya Rykov or the English version know Valentina Rykov is known as the school nerdy emo kid and is made fun of every single day because she’s different. She’s even bullied by her pack members. Oh did I mention she’s a werewolf, and not just any werewolf. She the weakest of the pack. Valya always thought when she meet her mate he would be her knight and shining armor. Too bad it was the opposite, it’s the creature of her hell of life. The devil himself Demetri Blood. The bate and brother of her friend Derek Blood. Derek is the alpha of the Blood Moon Pack and Demetri is his right hand. When Demetri finds out that Valya is his mate he rejects her instantly not wanting anything to do with her. Valya is so heartbroken and in pain till she goes to the only relief she knows and that’s cutting herself. Derek, Chad, and Maz try and help her throw her depression but one can only do so much. With abuse, mentally, verbally, and physically, she just can’t stand it anymore. One night she decides to finally kill herself. What happens when a dark and mysterious stranger comes and save her. What happens when she wakes up and see who has saved her was……. Stay for twist and turns with Valya, as she unlocks the secrets of her life and passed lives. Will things change when she meets the white wolf. Or will she let the monster eat her whole. Will her world crumble before her very eyes or will her knight and shining armor come and save her.

Chapter One

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The Red W...
by Ladyice_J