turtles meet a new...
By xcJones545468
  • Fanfiction
  • tmnt2012


the turtles meet a new friend completely different this is a fantasy story a vampire a werewolf a place where magic exists this kid that the turtles end up meeting is a unknown person because this kid does not have a name yet so the turtles set out to get to know this kid and what they don't know is that she contains magic but the turtles thought she was human until she was in a fight with shredder she defends Raphael the guy in second command. read to find out what happens to the turtles and this new kid. also this is a fantasy book with a few other genre's so let's see what happens and i hope you guys like them i have a lot of free time on my hands so pls spar me the lecture if things are out of order ugh...now lets read.

chapter 1 the turtles patrol while meeting a kid

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turtles m...
by xcJones545468