take a breath | rem...
By dearvirginia
  • Fanfiction
  • anastasia
  • blaisezabini
  • dracomalfoy
  • fanfiction
  • fredweasley
  • georgeweasley
  • ginnyweasley
  • granger
  • gryffindor
  • harrypotter
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  • marauders
  • maraudersfanfiction
  • peterpettigrew
  • ravenclaw
  • regulusblack
  • remus
  • remuslupin
  • ronweasley
  • sirius
  • siriusblack
  • slytherin


Ever the loyal daughter, Anastasia Black is focused on pleasing her parents and holding the together the crumbling relationship between her brothers. At first, she does not think the scarred and quiet Remus Lupin will put a rut into these plans. That is, until she stumbles upon him bleeding and broken in the infirmary. She doesn't know why he shows up once a month looking like he's gone through hell, but by healing him, she finds herself falling for someone her family would never approve of. As her brother Regulus is brought into dark magic, and her future seems to be already written into the Black family archives, Anastasia has to make a decision: to guide Regulus from his dark path or to leave it all behind in hopes of a happier life. disclaimer: a slowburn if i've ever seen one, also contains mature subjects/ themes (more detailed on first chapter) a painful slow burn, focused more on life of oc rather than romantic sub-plot, long-haul fic started: january 1, 2021. ended: tbd. rankings: #36 in remus lupin #74 in sirius black #2 in remus

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take a br...
by dearvirginia